Friday, December 19, 2008
Number 25
Well, shoot, looks like time to update the library - publications - english 8 - whatever - else news.
Two months have passed in their usual sly fashion, like a shadow on the very edge of one's peripheral vision, and so quick! But everyone says that, I suppose because really we just live in the moment because we were built to do so and to forget the past except as the odd snapshot which the brain apparently randomly photoshops anyway.
Doom and gloom in all conceivable directions which has the effect of making people (adults at least) sort of giddy. Just sent Governor Gregoire an email congratulating her on minimal cuts to class size monies and maximal cuts to teacher pay increase allocation; that is the way I like it; who needs the money if the working conditions (layoffs and 35 kids in a class) are awful? "Go Chris," I say.
Nature is having its way with us which I also enjoy because it makes one humble and gets one days off (at least until we have to make them up in June which isn't all that great a month anyway so it works out). I have had two 8 mile walks in two days into Langley through the woods in the snow. But that is enough of that for now. Forecast of more snow and strong wind for the day after tomorrow.
Adventure Ed back to back expeditions to Channel Islands and San Francisco Bay are all scheduled up and ready to roll. Also booked a day at the brand new California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park. Like I said its about the working conditions not the money. If only Amtrak is not blocked by another major avalanche like last year.
The October Washington Coast hike was rough with rain and wind but the kids were tougher and not a whine anytime.
Gloom and doom forecast is for Adventure Ed to get the axe next year (its 16th). Need to get those cards and letters posted to oppose such a truly short sighted move.
Need to refocus Publications on several fronts in the new year, particularly yearbook and video productions; almost lost That LMS Friday Show two weeks ago and had little going for this last Friday but then there was snow. Kailee is back on the job after a long hiatus on the East Coast so that will help. Breanna is showing promise as a new segment producer. Video yearbook is motoring along nicely as ever but we are losing Hannah to Spokane and will be moving Team Cera/Cara into that slot in addition to their regular vid yb duties. Print yearbook is always looking for coverage ideas; if anyone "out there" has one send it along. We are currently experimenting with a good weather bad weather spread as in seasonal affective disorder and whatever the opposite of that is. I suppose seasonal affective disorder wouldn't have to be only sadness as a result of lack of sun it could also be a sun induced disorder like...Spring fever. Spring seems to bring a whole lot of disorder around here.
English 8 is semi-happily creating its second handbound coptic stitch journal while finishing the colonial era unit and reaching the end of Johnny Tremain. Hope to move on to the fictionalization of the true story of the last "wild" Indian in California, Ishi: Last of his Tribe by Theodora Kroeber (mother of fantasy/science fiction author Ursula Le Guin) followed by Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Started Daily Oral Language ritual several weeks ago and I am surprised by the positive reception. More student blog work is also coming not to mention more fun with cba's.
Lots of new books purchased for the library but I haven't seen them since. We need ebooks just for the possibility of more efficient, therefore increased, circulation. No chasing physical copies; it is overdue, its wiped and checked out to the next kid. No muss no fuss, more reading.
Enough for now...
And so adieu, until we meet again,
ps And do please keep those comments and suggestions rolling in!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Number 24 New Books at the LMS Library
The Waterless Sea- Kate Constable
In this tightly woven sequel to The Singer of all Songs, Calwyn and Co., still flush from their success in defeating the evil sorcerer Samis, are now on their way to the Empire of Merithuros. There, they hope to rescue two small siblings who were stolen away from Heben, a fallen prince with a decidedly suspicious nature toward magic makers. Within the lighter-than-air walls of Merithuros’ Palace of Cobwebs, Calwyn finds the children she seeks, but also a terrible secret of how these children and many others have been used and abused by the Empire for their power of chantment. Meanwhile, Darrow, Calwyn’s mysterious mentor and friend, has gone off on a lonely quest to decide the fate of the powerful ruby ring he pried from the dead Samis’s finger. The two will finally meet again within the walls of the Black Palace, where Darrow will declare his feelings, and Calwyn will lose all she holds dear, in the dry desert world of the waterless sea. The Waterless Sea is the rich centerpiece of the Chanters of Tremaris trilogy; answering questions raised in the first book, while piquing interest in the eagerly awaited third novel. Young readers will have their curiosity about Darrow’s troubled past satisfied, even as they are left hanging in a quietly desperate ending that finds Darrow and Calwyn separated once again. While awaiting the third volume, Tremaris enthusiasts can ease their fantasy jones by checking out the similarly fine Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin. (Ages 10-14) —Jennifer Hubert
In this tightly woven sequel to The Singer of all Songs, Calwyn and Co., still flush from their success in defeating the evil sorcerer Samis, are now on their way to the Empire of Merithuros. There, they hope to rescue two small siblings who were stolen away from Heben, a fallen prince with a decidedly suspicious nature toward magic makers. Within the lighter-than-air walls of Merithuros’ Palace of Cobwebs, Calwyn finds the children she seeks, but also a terrible secret of how these children and many others have been used and abused by the Empire for their power of chantment. Meanwhile, Darrow, Calwyn’s mysterious mentor and friend, has gone off on a lonely quest to decide the fate of the powerful ruby ring he pried from the dead Samis’s finger. The two will finally meet again within the walls of the Black Palace, where Darrow will declare his feelings, and Calwyn will lose all she holds dear, in the dry desert world of the waterless sea. The Waterless Sea is the rich centerpiece of the Chanters of Tremaris trilogy; answering questions raised in the first book, while piquing interest in the eagerly awaited third novel. Young readers will have their curiosity about Darrow’s troubled past satisfied, even as they are left hanging in a quietly desperate ending that finds Darrow and Calwyn separated once again. While awaiting the third volume, Tremaris enthusiasts can ease their fantasy jones by checking out the similarly fine Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin. (Ages 10-14) —Jennifer Hubert
The Tenth Power - Kate Constable
Grade 6 Up–In the final installment of this trilogy, Calwyn, who once had several of the nine singing magic powers (called chantments), has lost all of her extraordinary gifts. Bitterly, she returns to Antaris with hopes of recuperation, but instead finds that a number of the chanters have been affected with a deadly snow-sickness. Entrusted by the dying high priestess with knowledge of a wheel that contains the tenth power to heal the world, Calwyn sets out with her companions to track down Samis, a wicked sorcerer whom she had believed was dead, and wrest from him the missing half of the wheel. On her perilous journey, she discovers a long-lost relative, delves deeper into the conflicted relationship with her chanter friend Darrow, and discovers new gifts that lead her reluctantly toward her destiny as the Singer of All Songs. As in the other two books, the detailed descriptions of the settings and the natures of the various chantments are what give the story the richness of elaborate tapestries. There are many characters to keep track of, and while Calwyns friendship with the healer Halasaa has become more fleshed out, her romance with Darrow doesnt have the intense chemistry demanded of the narrative, and her later relationship with Samis strains credulity. However, there is much to enjoy and ponder in a trilogy that strives to ask hard, thoughtful questions, even if it cant always answer them.–Farida S. Dowler, Mercer Island Library, WA
Signer of all Songs - Kate Constable
Aussie author Kate Constable has brought a music inspired fantasy to the States that is on a par with celebrated works like Edith Pattou's East, and The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman. In The Singer of All Songs, young Calwyn is a Daughter of Tarsis, an order of priestesses who have mastered the ice call--a singing power over cold and frost. She lives with her sisters behind an enormous wall of ice that separates their small valley from hostile neighbors in the tensely divided lands of Tremaris. This seemingly impervious barrier is breached by a wounded "Outlander" named Darrow, who comes to the priestesses with a wild tale about an evil Sorcerer named Samis who has sworn to learn the Nine Chantments of the separate lands of Tremaris so that he can rule them as the powerful Singer of All Songs. When the elder priestesses dismiss his rantings and ord! er his sacrifice to the Goddess, Calwyn becomes determined to save his life and join his quest. Together, the two new friends travel into dangerous territories, assembling a rag tag crew of comrades along the way who agree to help prevent Samis from mastering the Nine Chantments. Constable has bewitchingly reinterpreted pagan lore for a new generation, and Singer will easily find an appreciative audience amongst devotees of Tamora Pierce and Garth Nix. Although the pacing of the novel is decidedly measured in places, it only helps the reader appreciate the author's rich characterizations and imaginative settings. Young fantasy fans will find much to sing about in this first installment of a planned trilogy. --Jennifer Hubert
Aussie author Kate Constable has brought a music inspired fantasy to the States that is on a par with celebrated works like Edith Pattou's East, and The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman. In The Singer of All Songs, young Calwyn is a Daughter of Tarsis, an order of priestesses who have mastered the ice call--a singing power over cold and frost. She lives with her sisters behind an enormous wall of ice that separates their small valley from hostile neighbors in the tensely divided lands of Tremaris. This seemingly impervious barrier is breached by a wounded "Outlander" named Darrow, who comes to the priestesses with a wild tale about an evil Sorcerer named Samis who has sworn to learn the Nine Chantments of the separate lands of Tremaris so that he can rule them as the powerful Singer of All Songs. When the elder priestesses dismiss his rantings and ord! er his sacrifice to the Goddess, Calwyn becomes determined to save his life and join his quest. Together, the two new friends travel into dangerous territories, assembling a rag tag crew of comrades along the way who agree to help prevent Samis from mastering the Nine Chantments. Constable has bewitchingly reinterpreted pagan lore for a new generation, and Singer will easily find an appreciative audience amongst devotees of Tamora Pierce and Garth Nix. Although the pacing of the novel is decidedly measured in places, it only helps the reader appreciate the author's rich characterizations and imaginative settings. Young fantasy fans will find much to sing about in this first installment of a planned trilogy. --Jennifer Hubert
Beth Kephart
"(An) intelligent, multilayered love story…Neatly balancing action and contemplation, Kephart offers a plethora of images, ideas about literature and even some well-known poems along with a plot that will speak to many teens." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"A beautifully written, engrossing tale…This is a book that no serious-minded teen will want to miss, and high school English teachers may also take note as it has a well-crafted and highly teachable text." Rhona Campbell, Washington, DC Public Library -- School Library Journal (starred review)
"Readers will fall easily into the compelling premise and Elisa’s memorable, graceful voice, and have no trouble recognizing the teen’s quiet courage as she leaves her comfortable isolation, claims her own talents, and embraces the people who matter most." -- Booklist (starred review)
Beth Kephart
"(An) intelligent, multilayered love story…Neatly balancing action and contemplation, Kephart offers a plethora of images, ideas about literature and even some well-known poems along with a plot that will speak to many teens." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"A beautifully written, engrossing tale…This is a book that no serious-minded teen will want to miss, and high school English teachers may also take note as it has a well-crafted and highly teachable text." Rhona Campbell, Washington, DC Public Library -- School Library Journal (starred review)
"Readers will fall easily into the compelling premise and Elisa’s memorable, graceful voice, and have no trouble recognizing the teen’s quiet courage as she leaves her comfortable isolation, claims her own talents, and embraces the people who matter most." -- Booklist (starred review)
Grade 9 Up - Sixteen-year-old Miles Halter's adolescence has been one long nonevent - no challenge, no girls, no mischief, and no real friends. Seeking what Rabelais called the "Great Perhaps," he leaves Florida for a boarding school in Birmingham, AL. His roommate, Chip, is a dirt-poor genius scholarship student with a Napoleon complex who lives to one-up the school's rich preppies. Chip's best friend is Alaska Young, with whom Miles and every other male in her orbit falls instantly in love. She is literate, articulate, and beautiful, and she exhibits a reckless combination of adventurous and self-destructive behavior. She and Chip teach Miles to drink, smoke, and plot elaborate pranks. Alaska's story unfolds in all-night bull sessions, and the depth of her unhappiness becomes obvious. Green's dialogue is crisp, especially between Miles and Chip. His descriptions and Miles's inner monologues can be philosophically dense, but are well within the comprehension of sensitive teen readers. The chapters of the novel are headed by a number of days "before" and "after" what readers surmise is Alaska's suicide. These placeholders sustain the mood of possibility and foreboding, and the story moves methodically to its ambiguous climax. The language and sexual situations are aptly and realistically drawn, but sophisticated in nature. Miles's narration is alive with sweet, self-deprecating humor, and his obvious struggle to tell the story truthfully adds to his believability. Like Phineas in John Knowles's A Separate Peace(S & S, 1960), Green draws Alaska so lovingly, in self-loathing darkness as well as energetic light, that readers mourn her loss along with her friends. - Johanna Lewis, New York Public Library
Copyright © Reed Business Information
A Crooked Kind of Perfect
Linda Urban
From School Library Journal
Grade 4–6—An impressive and poignant debut novel. Eleven-year-old Zoe dreams of giving piano recitals at Carnegie Hall. When her father purchases a Perfectone D-60, though, she must settle for the sounds of the organ rather than the distinguished sounds of a baby grand. Her organ teacher, Mabelline Person, notices the child's small talent for music and recommends her for the "Perfectone Perform-O-Rama"; she will play Neil Diamond's "Forever in Blue Jeans." Accepting this new twist to her ambitions, Zoe must depend on a quirky support system: her father, who gets anxious when he leaves the house and who earns diplomas from Living Room University; her workaholic mother; and her classmate Wheeler, who follows Zoe home from school daily to spend time with her father, baking. Playing television theme songs from the '60s and '70s rather than Bach doesn't get Zoe down. Instead, aware of the stark difference between her dream and her reality, she forges ahead and, as an underdog, faces the uncertainty of entering the competition. In the end, resilient and resourceful Zoe finds perfection in the most imperfect and unique situations, and she shines. The refreshing writing is full of pearls of wisdom, and readers will relate to this fully developed character. The sensitive story is filled with hope and humor. It has a feel-good quality and a subtle message about how doing one's best and believing in oneself are what really matter.—Jennifer Cogan, Bucks County Free Library, Doylestown, PA
Evil Genius
Catherine Jinks
From Booklist
*Starred Review* Is it possible to cultivate readers' affection for a character who has been trained from his tenderest years to dismiss evil as a "loaded word"? Australian writer Jinks, author of the Crusades-era Pagan series, successfully meets the challenge in this very different novel. She devises gradations of wrongdoing so steep that her antihero's adversaries leave him (almost) smelling like a rose. At age seven, child prodigy Cadel Piggott lands in a shrink's office for illegal computer hacking, where psychologist Thaddeus Roth delivers startling counsel: "Next time, don't get caught." Thaddeus is an agent of Cadel's real father, a brilliant crook who, from behind bars, manages to place Cadel at the secretive Axis Institute for World Domination. By 13, Cadel is earnestly studying "Infiltration, Misinformation, and Embezzlement," but as he increasingly relies on an outside friendship, he privately plots to extricate himself from the paterfamilias.Comic-book fans will enjoy the school's aspiring villains (including one who floors foes with deadly B.O.), but this is more than a campy set-piece. Cadel's turnabout is convincingly hampered by his difficulty recognizing appropriate outlets for rage, and Jinks' whiplash-inducing suspense writing will gratify fans of Anthony Horowitz's high-tech spy scenarios. Although some of the technical concerns of evil geniuses (firewalls, tax shelters, nanotechnology) may stymie less-patient readers, most will press on, riveted by the chilling aspects of a child trapped in adult agendas that, iceberglike, hide beneath the surface. Mattson, Jennifer
Copyright © American Library Association.
Anansi Boys
by Neil Gaiman
Adult/High School–Charles Fat Charlie Nancy leads a normal, boring existence in London. However, when he calls the U.S. to invite his estranged father to his wedding, he learns that the man just died. After jetting off to Florida for the funeral, Charlie not only discovers a brother he didn't know he had, but also learns that his father was the West African trickster god, Anansi. Charlie's brother, who possesses his own magical powers, later visits him at home and spins Charlie's life out of control, getting him fired, sleeping with his fiancĂ©e, and even getting him arrested for a white-collar crime. Charlie fights back with assistance from other gods, and that's when the real trouble begins. They lead the brothers into adventures that are at times scary or downright hysterical. At first Charlie is overwhelmed by this new world, but he is Anansi's son and shows just as much flair for trickery as his brother. With its quirky, inventive fantasy, this is a real treat for Gaiman's fans. Here, he writes with a fuller sense of character. Focusing on a smaller cast gives him the room to breathe life into these figures. Anansi is also a story about fathers, sons, and brothers and how difficult it can be to get along even when they are so similar. Darkly funny and heartwarming to the end, this book is an addictive read not easily forgotten.–Matthew L. Moffett, Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale
Copyright © Reed Business Information
Realist at Last
Susan Juby
Gr. 8-11. The inimitable heroine first met in Alice, I Think (2003) is back for more adventures in nonconformity. Homeschooled for 10 years and recently returned to public school, Alice comes from a family steeped in nontraditionalism. In this saga of her seventeenth summer, she must endure a breakup with her boyfriend, would-be beaus who disgust her, her inability to get or keep a job, her mother's incarceration for protesting a smelting factory, and a new therapist who refuses to coddle her. Fortunately for the reader, all is told with deliciously dark humor; one of the best parts is the ongoing screenplay Alice constructs, with herself as star. Yes, Alice is annoyingly self-absorbed, but she's also very aware of it, and her dead-funny voice makes her even more sympathetic. While readers of previous Alice titles will obviously get more out of this than those new to the series, teens meeting Alice for the first time will catch on quickly and will likely be charmed. Debbie Carton
Copyright © American Library Association.
Half-Moon Investigations
by Eoin Colfe
Grade 4-7-Diminutive Fletcher Moon may not be the most popular 12-year-old in his Irish town but he's proud-maybe a little too proud-of the badge that he constantly flashes to let everyone know that he's an online graduate of a private detective academy in Washington, DC. The other kids admit that Fletcher, aka Half Moon, has solved several tough cases at Saint Jerome's Elementary and Middle School, so they come to him when they have a problem. But when super all-in-pink girly-girl April Devereux hires him to find a lock of a pop star's hair that she claims was stolen by one of the Sharkeys-a family of well-known criminals-everything starts going wrong for Fletcher. His precious badge is taken, he finds a single huge footprint at every crime scene, and he's picked up by the local police for arson when the Devereux playhouse burns down. When Fletcher goes on the run, who becomes his number-one ally? Young Red Sharkey. A typically funny Colfer offering without the mania of the Artemis Fowl series (Hyperion), the story wittily delivers the message that some people aren't-for good or ill-who they appear to be. Kids who enjoy comic mysteries will have a great time with Half Moon, and the conclusion drops plenty of hints that this could become a series.-Walter Minkel, New York Public Library
Copyright © Reed Business Information
Midshipwizard Halcyon Blithe
James M Ward
Hogwarts goes to sea in Ward's workmanlike fantasy debut. Setting off from the land of Arcania, 12- and 13-year-old aspiring wizards learn how to sail a vessel affixed to the back of a huge sea-dragon and to battle the nasty shape-changers of the enemy Maleen. At 16, the book's hero, Halcyon, is nearly an old man, though he gives no thought to age, while the skipper calls every member of the crew, male and female alike, his "men." There's no romance and the main action focuses on Halcyon's efforts to overcome the threats of a court-martial and an unknown villain whose weird identity is saved for the climax. Ward's eager if plodding midshipwizards are unlikely to unseat Harry Potter, but they do come across as appealing and credible young teens, the novel's obvious audience.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You
Peter Cameron
From Booklist
*Starred Review* Though he's been accepted by Brown University, 18-year-old James isn't sure he wants to go to college. What he really wants is to buy a nice house in a small town somewhere in the Midwest—Indiana, perhaps. In the meantime, however, he has a dull, make-work job at his thrice-married mother's Manhattan art gallery, where he finds himself attracted to her assistant, an older man named John. In a clumsy attempt to capture John's attention, James winds up accused of sexual harassment! A critically acclaimed author of adult fiction, Cameron makes a singularly auspicious entry into the world of YA with this beautifully conceived and written coming-of-age novel that is, at turns, funny, sad, tender, and sophisticated. James makes a memorable protagonist, touching in his inability to connect with the world but always entertaining in his first-person account of his New York environment, his fractured family, his disastrous trip to the nation's capital, and his ongoing bouts with psychoanalysis. In the process he dramatizes the ambivalences and uncertainties of adolescence in ways that both teen and adult readers will savor and remember. Cart, Michael
by Jodi Lynn Anderson
From Booklist
Gr. 8-11. Anderson's debut reads like a first cousin to Ann Brashares' Traveling Pants series. Here, rather than the perfect pair of jeans, it's an intoxicating peach orchard that works its magic on three teens, brought together to pick fruit in the summer before their last year of high school. Shy, awkward Birdie, the homeschooled daughter of the Darlington Orchard's owners; Leeda, Birdie's gorgeous, wealthy, "kind of cold and uptight" cousin; and restless, rebellious Murphy discover in one another a strong, unlikely friendship that helps each girl move past her own limitations and open herself to thrilling possibilities. The Darlington's financial troubles, overtures from a sleazy developer, and several dreamy romantic interests add tension and intrigue to the friendship story. Interspersed vignettes of momentous scenes from the orchard's past add to the setting's mysterious aura, and Anderson's vivid descriptions of the scented rows of trees, buzzing with heat and life, echo the restlessness of her well-drawn teen characters. A charming, breezy choice for strong and reluctant readers alike. Gillian Engberg
Wicked Lovely
Melissa Marr
Melissa Marr adds elegantly to the sub-genre of Urban Faery with this enticing, well-researched fantasy for teens. Wicked Lovely takes place in modern-day Huntsdale, a small city south of Pittsburgh whose name evokes the Wild Hunt of mythology. High school junior Aislinn and her grandmother have followed strict rules all their lives to hide their ability to see faeries because faeries don't like it when mortals can see them, and faeries can be very cruel. Only the strongest faeries can withstand iron, however, so Aislinn prefers the city with its steel girders and bridges. She takes refuge with Seth, her would-be lover, who lives in a set of old train carriages.
But now Aislinn is being stalked by two of the faeries who are able to take on human form and are not deterred by steel. What do they want from her?
One is Keenan, the Summer King, who has been looking for his Queen for nine centuries, bound by the rules and rituals that govern his quest. The other is Donia, a victim of those rules, consigned to the role of Winter Girl when she failed Keenan's test, yet still in love with him. Certain that Aislinn is the woman he must marry, Keenan shows up as a charismatic new student at her high school, unaware that she sees his true form. He's determined to court her and is puzzled by her rebuffs. Suddenly, none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe is working anymore, but things aren't going as Keenan expects either. Both will have to change, make startling compromises and enlist surprising allies if they want to break free from the wicked game that has ensnared them.
Their greatest challenge will be to avoid the fatal traps laid by Keenan's mother, the Winter Queen. She will lose her power if Keenan finds his mate, and she will do anything to stop this. Unfortunately, she's a little too over the top to be totally threatening, a campy version of Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Queen -- part Disney witch, part Endora in "Bewitched." But this didn't stop me from devouring the book.
Marr creates a fully realized world that conveys the details and the politics of faery life. The suspense remains taut, as the point of view shifts between Aislinn, Keenan and Donia, allowing the reader to develop sympathy for all of them. Marr's lyrical language and sensual imagery capture both the confused emotions and the physicality of adolescence.
The romantic scenes are delicious. The fantasy of being pursued by two young men is alluring in itself, but when one is a pierced and tattooed sexy outsider and the other is a blindingly beautiful King of Faery, how much better can it get? Halfway through the book, I knew which characters I wanted to end up together, and that made me read greedily on. Readers will beg for a sequel.
Copyright 2007, The Washington Post.
Melissa Marr adds elegantly to the sub-genre of Urban Faery with this enticing, well-researched fantasy for teens. Wicked Lovely takes place in modern-day Huntsdale, a small city south of Pittsburgh whose name evokes the Wild Hunt of mythology. High school junior Aislinn and her grandmother have followed strict rules all their lives to hide their ability to see faeries because faeries don't like it when mortals can see them, and faeries can be very cruel. Only the strongest faeries can withstand iron, however, so Aislinn prefers the city with its steel girders and bridges. She takes refuge with Seth, her would-be lover, who lives in a set of old train carriages.
But now Aislinn is being stalked by two of the faeries who are able to take on human form and are not deterred by steel. What do they want from her?
One is Keenan, the Summer King, who has been looking for his Queen for nine centuries, bound by the rules and rituals that govern his quest. The other is Donia, a victim of those rules, consigned to the role of Winter Girl when she failed Keenan's test, yet still in love with him. Certain that Aislinn is the woman he must marry, Keenan shows up as a charismatic new student at her high school, unaware that she sees his true form. He's determined to court her and is puzzled by her rebuffs. Suddenly, none of the rules that have kept Aislinn safe is working anymore, but things aren't going as Keenan expects either. Both will have to change, make startling compromises and enlist surprising allies if they want to break free from the wicked game that has ensnared them.
Their greatest challenge will be to avoid the fatal traps laid by Keenan's mother, the Winter Queen. She will lose her power if Keenan finds his mate, and she will do anything to stop this. Unfortunately, she's a little too over the top to be totally threatening, a campy version of Hans Christian Andersen's Snow Queen -- part Disney witch, part Endora in "Bewitched." But this didn't stop me from devouring the book.
Marr creates a fully realized world that conveys the details and the politics of faery life. The suspense remains taut, as the point of view shifts between Aislinn, Keenan and Donia, allowing the reader to develop sympathy for all of them. Marr's lyrical language and sensual imagery capture both the confused emotions and the physicality of adolescence.
The romantic scenes are delicious. The fantasy of being pursued by two young men is alluring in itself, but when one is a pierced and tattooed sexy outsider and the other is a blindingly beautiful King of Faery, how much better can it get? Halfway through the book, I knew which characters I wanted to end up together, and that made me read greedily on. Readers will beg for a sequel.
Copyright 2007, The Washington Post.
OATHS SWORN . . . loyalties tested . . . forces collide.
Following the colossal battle against the Empire’s warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon, as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep.
First is Eragon’s oath to his cousin Roran: to help rescue Roran’s beloved, Katrina, from King Galbatorix’s clutches. But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too. The Varden are in desperate need of his talents and strength—as are the elves and dwarves. When unrest claims the rebels and danger strikes from every corner, Eragon must make choices— choices that take him across the Empire and beyond, choices that may lead to unimagined sacrifice.
Eragon is the greatest hope to rid the land of tyranny. Can this once-simple farm boy unite the rebel forces and defeat the king?
About the Author
Christopher Paolini’s abiding love of fantasy and science fiction inspired him to begin writing his debut novel, Eragon, when he graduated from high school at 15. He lives in Paradise Valley, Montana.
Princess Academy
Shannon Hale
From School Library Journal
Starred Review. Grade 5-9–The thought of being a princess never occurred to the girls living on Mount Eskel. Most plan to work in the quarry like the generations before them. When it is announced that the prince will choose a bride from their village, 14-year-old Miri, who thinks she is being kept from working in the quarry because of her small stature, believes that this is her opportunity to prove her worth to her father. All eligible females are sent off to attend a special academy where they face many challenges and hardships as they are forced to adapt to the cultured life of a lowlander. First, strict Tutor Olana denies a visit home. Then, they are cut off from their village by heavy winter snowstorms. As their isolation increases, competition builds among them. The story is much like the mountains, with plenty of suspenseful moments that peak and fall, building into the next intense event. Miri discovers much about herself, including a special talent called quarry speak, a silent way to communicate. She uses this ability in many ways, most importantly to save herself and the other girls from harm. Each girl's story is brought to a satisfying conclusion, but this is not a fluffy, predictable fairy tale, even though it has wonderful moments of humor. Instead, Hale weaves an intricate, multilayered story about families, relationships, education, and the place we call home.–Linda L. Plevak, Saint Mary's Hall, San Antonio, TX
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Listening for Lions
by Gloria Whelan
From Booklist*Starred Review* Gr. 6-9. In 1919, in British East Africa, 13-year-old Rachel loses her missionary parents during an influenza epidemic. When she turns to her English neighbors for help, the Pritchards ensnare her in a shocking, ill-intentioned scheme. Disowned by their rich family, they had planned to send their daughter, Valerie, to her grandfather's estate in England, where they hoped she would help to reinstate them in his will. But after Valerie dies of flu, the Pritchards conspire to send Rachel, whose red hair matches their daughter's. Whelan creates deliciously odious villains in the Pritchard parents, who, with shameless cunning, manipulate Rachel into agreeing to the deceit. Once in England, Rachel and the perilously ill grandfather develop a surprisingly strong, affectionate bond, although she continues the ruse, believing that "one more disappointment would be the end of the old man." In a straightforward, sympathetic voice, Rachel tells an involving, episodic story that follows her across continents and through life stages as she grapples with her dishonesty, grief for her lost parents and life in Africa, and looming questions about how to prepare for grown-up life at a time when few choices were allowed to women. Gentle, nostalgic, and fueled with old-fashioned girl power, this involving orphan story will please fans of Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic The Secret Garden (1912) and Eva Ibbotson's The Star of Kazan (2004). Gillian Engberg
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Elise Broach
From BooklistGr. 6-9. As usual, sixth-grader Hero's Shakespearean name prompts teasing in her new school, and her loving parents are clueless about her difficulties. Then intriguing, elderly neighbor Mrs. Roth tells her about the enormous diamond rumored to be hidden in Hero's new house. Helped by Mrs. Roth and cute eighth-grader Danny, Hero launches into a stealthy search that unearths links between the diamond's original owner and Edward de Vere, a nobleman believed by some to be the original author of Shakespeare's plays. Broach is an Elizabethan scholar, and she follows the story's detailed historical references with an endnote that further explains the true, fascinating debate about de Vere. The frequent Shakespearean quotes often feel purposeful, and the connections between clues seem too far reaching. But Broach writes with an assured sense of family dynamics and middle-school anxieties, and sophisticated readers, particularly fans of Blue Balliett's Chasing Vermeer (2004), will appreciate the true emotions, the rich language, and the revelations of many-layered mysteries that tie the past to the present. Gillian Engberg
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Number 23
And so the road has gotten a bit smoothier since the last post; one Sunday spent tweaking the main library (dumping last assortments of junk, overflowing recycle container, rearranging table lamps so they could actually be plugged-in, etc.) had a larger and more positive than expected overall effect on the feel of the room. 6 new iMacs strewn throughout the various rooms of the upstairs of the Castle; the Apartment looking especially nice but the Tower somehow getting two new machines while the apartment is still with only a lowly eMac, attached, however, to our sole working scanner.
Upgraded 5 or 6 older iMacs of which we have about 25 to a significantly higher ram stick and this seemed to improve the performance of these machines enough to justify the expense of about $50.00 per computer. Asked Brian to order 10 more of these 512 mb ram sticks at a new lower price of $40.00 per. Apparently we need to continue to use these old machines for a while yet as we wait for levy funds to become available for student workstation purchase; here's hoping
that the LMS Library computer labs (there are two) will be found worthy of wholesale replacement of our 50 5-plus year old machines.
Zisette asked for an got 32 copies of A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold. What a great book to read with a class! I hope other teachers will go this way. We have a one time grant from the state for $1800.00 that I would be happy to use to buy sets of such superb non-fiction titles to read across the curriculum.
English 8 motors on into the world of Johnny Tremain. They have another piece of the puzzle of the American Colonial era in non-fiction book on that time chosen from a set of 50 or so. Students are doing a Life Graph for JT like the one they did for themselves. More activities around graphical/visual representation of information would be good. After reading some primary sources as the final piece of a multi-text approach students will have a chance to create a final project in a variety of formats from movies to constructions in wood. We have been spending quite a lot of time with read aloud/think alouds with JT as well. Students' performance on Moodle site quizzes on that novel have improved in the quiz for chapter 3.
Publications continues to barrel ahead in many directions at once. Although there were spots that could have been tweaked the Friday Show came off pretty good after reviewing it a couple of times. Bloggers did some very competent bits for their first published issue. Their word- for- word rendition of an interview was very well done. Yearbook and Video Yearbook are progressing by fits and starts. The class will visit the high school yearbook class soon.
The Adventure Ed Coast Foray will begin tomorrow at 6 am. The army of north will once again march south from the Lake of Ozette to meet and quickly pass by the army of the south who will be coming north from the Plain of Rialto. Hopefully this time there will be canon.
May there be a little more Sun than not.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Number 22
Bumpy road at Langley Middle. Still sorting out the workable and the not so much. Computing remains choppy particularly in regard to the online yearbook site where we are supposed to build the book; connection is slow and unpredictable. The theme of the book is as yet unestablished and in fact there are no real ideas although we have taken a couple of runs at brainstorming one up.
5 new computers have arrived for library and general use. We really need 10 times that number of new student workstations but all indications are that we are not going to be getting much until after the first of the year.
On the bright side new textbooks for English/Language Arts are here or almost here and they will provide some shiny new opportunities for reading and writing instruction once all hands figure out how to integrate them with existing resources and teaching styles.
My English 8, sometimes known as Humanities 8, students and I are finding our way into the American colonial era with the novel Johnny Tremain. We will be sharing personal Life Graphs this week in preparation for creating same for the main character in that story. We will also be selecting a non-fiction book this week to get another point of view on that time period. And we will be adding another post to the student blog either as a free write activity or a response to the reading, or maybe if we can find the time, both.
Speaking of blogs, the Publication class work group that is responsible for The LMS Weekly blog site may go live by Friday with their first edition. I will post the web address when the creators let me.
The other Publications groups, Video Yearbook and Video Productions, aka That LMS Friday Show are still struggling to find their footing and dealing with time and technology issues but the first Friday Show will happen this week one way or the other. Video Yearbook is of course a long term project with no product until May, hopefully they can finish before that and go on to something else by early next year. Publications really needs to be a two hour class and I am going to propose to the members that they need to put in some time outside of class, before school, at lunch or after school, if they want to produce quality work. Also as they learn the ropes of digital production they will get more efficient and faster.
Ramona, my daughter, who recently moved to San Francisco, did a little documentary project on Angel Island in SF Bay which is the destination for the LMS Adventure Education classes' Spring trip. We have pictures of the ferry from downtown out to the island and shots of the campgrounds, views of the city, old military installations (think Fort Casey with more sun) to get the kids excited about the prospect. Next she will try to figure out a public transport method of getting to the Point Reyes National Seashore from our basecamp on Angel Island. Or she will get a job and we will have to figure it out for ourselves.
Until next time...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Number 21
Highlights of the first (short) week of school, aka Thursday and Friday, September 4th and 5th:
Amidst a chaos of not-quite-ready-for-prime-time computers Bergquist's American Studies Blocks (1st and 2nd period, 5th and 6th period) were able, virtually to a man, to create both Gmail and Moodle (online course website) accounts. The kids, in other words, showed real problem solving skill given an authentic problem situation; the more savvy stepped up to assist the less technical, motivation was high all round, it was messy, it was real. Fun for the adults? Maybe not so much at first but as one learns to roll with it and sees the kids really engaged it felt better.
My two classes, English 8 and Publications, proved to be inhabited by a nice group of kids as was the circulating assessment of this class from their 7th grade year. In English we kicked off with a possibly over-the-top extended metaphor lesson involving a chainsaw and a fairly hefty section of Douglas Fir trunk. This activity is under study as to its viability and future use. We listened to a reading of the letter to parents about the expectations and curriculum of this class which was emailed later in the day to nearly all parents. Friday we began the construction of a hand-made journal for general use throughout the quarter (we will make a new one at the start of each quarter) and simultaneously wrote a reflection on the first day of school on one of the, as yet, unbound pages of said journal.
In Publications there was a fairly lengthy discussion of the nature of this production class and the implications of same for the members of the class. This class lives or dies based on real business requirements like profit and loss and the degree to which we can meet the needs and satisfy the interests of our market, the students of LMS. On Friday the class formed small groups and took photos of objects around the school after a short introduction to some basic rules of good photography. The class is large for the kind of multiple simultaneous activities envisioned, its a logistic challenge, and will demand levels of independence and responsibility not yet fully developed in this age group. We hope to break into a yearbook group, a video group, and a blog group very soon with a rotation through these during the year.
Implementation of tech levy funding for student workstations has not picked up much steam as yet but I think we will start to see a significant surge in actual machines in front of kids sometime this quarter and after; we need this to happen because even our newest workstations are now over 5 years old. The majority of these beasts work but they do not work well and with 25 to 30 kids in a room, believe me, you do not need to be hand-holding the computers.
The new library management software known as Destiny from the Follett Corporation is working very well and will be working a lot better when the students are uploaded to the system.
Great potential for searching the LMS library, and indeed all the district library collections, from school, home, anywhere you have an internet connection, (cell phone?). Kids or parents can finally really search for the right print or web resource easily. The software also enables a top ten list of most popular books (most checked out by students at each school), pictures of covers, complete records for each title, summaries and the actual text of the first several pages of many books, and many other features, probably that I will discover someday not too far in the future.
Now if we can get a whole bunch of shiny new books and get those kids into the system we will be rolling indeed.
Seismic assessment is in and, I think, available on the district web page somewhere. That should be interesting reading.
Adventure Ed is, I think, on track for Washington Coast Hike, Santa Barbara/Channel Islands, San Francisco/Point Reyes, Washington Coast again, with a Mount Pilchuck day hike in there somewhere, during the next two semesters.
Stay tuned.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Number 20

Point Reyes Lighthouse (photo by Harold Davis)
year begins. The lower floor of the LMS two story will begin to get renovated this coming Monday with the removal of all the old floor coverings and the drying of the concrete slab below. Joe says the drying could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. The former copy room upstairs has been emptied and will be repurposed as a audio studio and student work module and will henceforth be officially known as The Tower. The other small high room formerly known as the apartment will be emptied next week and repurposed as another student workshop module and will be officially known as The Apartment. Access from The Apartment to what was formerly known as the roof will be restricted and the roof will be officially known as The Roof. As much as possible this modulization of student work areas with and without the inclusion of computer workstations will be replicated throughout the building. The two story itself will now be called, again, this is official, The Castle.
Moving beyond geography and mapping, the library will move to a new web-based software package for circulation, searching and cataloging called Destiny. This is a major leap forward in our ability to organize and provide access to the ten thousand books in the LMS Library and is very, very welcome.
The library will vigorously seek to freshen and improve its non-fiction in the coming year in support of the old/new approach of using longer coherent texts for research as a first choice with the internet as a secondary choice for research and a first choice for student publishing, communication and assessment (powered primarily by softwares like Moodle).
Professionally, the librarian will be working on an endorsement in middle level humanities through Antioch University Seattle. This little process should be done, with, hopefully, some help from higher powers, by December 31, 2008.
The librarian will also be teaching 3 classes next year: English 8, Publications and Computer 6. Thanks to an incredible richness of space these classes will be in the upper levels of The Castle and thus the library will always have the librarian close at hand to the Main Library and The Annex (both of which names are now official).
Very slightly farther out in the librarian's field of duty, the planning for the Adventure Education expeditions for next year has started particularly with an eye to a new destination for the large journey south; we hope to head down to Angel Island in the north part of San Francisco Bay in early 2009 for an experience that will include the great city itself (by direct ferry from the island) and the wild lands of The Point Reyes Peninsula.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Number 19
Please indulge cute video made with Mac OS X by one Dennis Liu
Well, pushing toward the end of the school year. Senioritis setting in among some 8th graders; no news there. Splitting the last of our budget in the library on books and digital things. Bought two camcorders of the very cheapest mini dv format, one at $150 one at $200. We like these machines.
Friday Show at 16 in which we are trying to focus on community around school namely Langley. So far we have had segments on Joe's Island Music and the early days at The Clyde. One constant problem seems to be the inadvertent overwriting of one bit of video tape by another bit; this is something that hopefully will be alleviated by a new storage format like flash in the cameras we buy next. Distribution on shows to classroom is a bit primitive and spotty because it is done with physical media (DVD's) and on foot (mine).
Looking to get Moodling soon and put materials for next year's Publications and other classes online. Difficulties with account setup at ESD right now.
Comic Life activities in Computer 6 going well. We will be moving on to Garageband and iMovie for the bulk of the rest of the quarter. Should try to incorporate Comic Life page exports into iMovie. Kids are also spontaneously learning Pencil (animation program) in free time. Watching a few TED presentations and 2001 A Space Odyssey as well.
Switching to new software for library management which will be all web based and is to be hosted remotely at ESD. First meeting with company reps next Tuesday switch over in June and then formal two day training.
Planning next year to continue to push non-fiction books of all topics into students hands by enlisting subject area teachers and refreshing non-fiction collection.
Planning for The Spring '08 Coast Campaign June 7-11 is finalized; I will be marching from the North with the Second Division under Major General Scoles, Bergquist's and his Army of the South will deploy at Rialta with Colonel Sewell and Colonel Diers and move North to a rendezvous at Chilean Memorial on the morning of the 10th of June. Victory will be ours!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Number 18
Coast Starlight coming to take us home. March 2008
A cold day in Spring; the first day of WASLing; a chance to do things that are not normally easy to find the time to do.
Two 10 day expeditions down the West Coast by rail and bus to Southern California and out to Channel Islands National Park by boat in the past three months with Bergquist's Adventure Education class and both exceptional in every way; a fine and beautiful way to bring balance to the public school experience.
Non-fiction science books offered out to Zisette's 7th grade science students and Hoelting's 8th grade students as extra credit self-selected opportunity. Many new science titles purchased specifically for these programs this year and last. Similar opportunity created for Bergquist's American Studies class with a large selection of non-fiction (some historical fiction as well) titles both from our library and from Sno-Isle.
New mini-dv format video camera bought from returned refurbished shelf at Circuit City for $170.00. I took same on California Santa Cruz Island Expedition in March and found the li machine to be a joy to carry and use. Hoping to get similar deal on another one soon or purchase a new Canon HS100 flash based vid camera when it is released in May.
Yearbook will be done as soon as Tessa and Vica take pictures of first official track practice this afternoon and place these on Track 2 page spread on Jostens' web site.
Video yearbook (dvd insert in print yrbk) looks like it will happen now that I have seen and briefly used dvd duplicator machine and Publications video yearbook workers are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
That LMS Friday Show is at number 12 and is stumbling along nicely thanks to the efforts of John, Emily and Emma, and assorted up-and-comers now free of yearbook chores.
Last quarter Computer 6 class is off to a good start. We watched a TED conference presentation by Jeff Han on a new multi-touch interface for a computer that does away with a physical keyboard and mouse. I saw some happy, amazed, maybe a little awestruck, looks from the 6th graders watching, which was the point. Afterward, they all responded with a short TextEdit document saved to their server folders. I will try to incorporate some sort or stimulating technology preview often and have kids do short written reflections. Later these semi frequent writings can be illustrated and compiled into a Keynote presentation and shared with the next class.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Number 17
Progress is happening. Several hundreds of dollars have been spent to increase and update the library's multicultural fiction collection used extensively by 7th grade social studies classes. American Studies has been given sets of classic literature; primarily Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn" and H. G. Wells "The Time Machine". A grant to cover a substantial portion of the cost of a new workstation for the library annex has come from the PTSA (following last year's even larger grant for a similar machine). These machines are a huge boost to the Publication classes' efforts to complete the first-ever video yearbook and the best-ever 8th grade graduation movie.
PTSA, we appreciate your support.
Beyond great cash the PTSA is also providing volunteer library supervisors so we can keep the facility open during 6, 7 and 8th grade lunch time Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This is a good thing, especially when it is rainy and cold out.
The new PTSA hardware is also making it faster and easier to produce That LMS Friday Show which is now at show number 8. This Publication class production is distributed on DVD's to 7 or 8 classrooms across the grade levels. The compilation of the show segments and the burning of the disks would have been slow to the point of impracticality without the upgraded workstations.
My 6th grade class is currently doing a survey of the Digital Learning Commons web site and each student is taking a resource and reporting out to class on that resource using keynote as a presentation support. These presentations should occupy the class for all of this week if the past autobiographical keynotes are an accurate guide.
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