Monday, December 17, 2007

Number 16

An object lesson for the blogger with less than optimal concentration; this morning, with the intention of deleting an old English 8 class blog which was no longer needed, I deleted instead the LMS Library blog and 2 years of posts.
Turns out it was a day for endings of which this was trivial in comparison.
So with the Bergquistians Zorking and the Rat Pack Xmas album playing in the background I bid goodbye to all that history and start over.
We have finally got a library budget and hope to be purchasing some shiny new books and some computer stuff.
Happy Holidays


Mr. Bergquist said...

Book suggestions:

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Time Machine

God speed,


Sarah said...

sorry about your blogs.

John said...

You deleted 2 years of bloging.
Way to go. ha,ha,ha,